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Shawmut Trigger

The Shawmut Trigger Indicator is a field-mountable blown-fuse indicator which is wired parallel with the fuse to be monitored. The striker pin exerts a static force of one pound and be used to actuate a switch. It is available in 130 volt (TI-130), 600 volt (TI-600), and 1500 (TI-1500) ratings. The TI-600 Trigger is a UL Listed accessory. The Shawmut Trigger is not fuse and should only be used in parallel with fuses rated 70A or higher. To mount the Trigger, use two midget fuse clips (for 13/32" diameter fuses) found in the Fuse Clip section.

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  • AC: TI-130  130VAC, TI-600 600VAC, TI-1500 1500VAC
  • UL Listed  JDVS.E90426